Python Demos
Find below some Python applications/scripts that I have developed.
These scripts lacks of credentials or sensitive information. If you would like to see them in action, just let me know!
Binance Bot
This application runs in loop, fetches historic and current Crypto's prices (USD) from a famous crypto's broker company, using its API; and send alerts, using Bollinger Bands, through a Telegram chat in real time.
Modules: Pandas requests
If you'd like to check out the code, click here to make the request.
Feel free to join the group for a limited time by clicking the link below.
Sirius DAQ Logger
This application is a logger for Sirius Data Acquisiton Boards that uses the API provided by the manufacturer, and stores the acquired data in a MySQL database in real time.
Modules: Dispatch Sirius API MySQL Python Connector
Feel free to to check out the code in GitHub by clicking the link below.
PureCloud API Examples
Here you'll find multiple scripts that extracts information from Genesys PureCloud, a contact center application, for different purposes: Billing (worked/billable hours),
Activity reports, massive recordings downloads and more...
Modules: PureCloud Python API csv pandas json
Feel free to to check out the code here or in GitHub by clicking the links below.
BambooHR API Examples
Here you'll find multiple scripts that extracts information from BambooHR, an HR Platform, using the provided REST API for different purposes: Massive Fields changes,
Custom automated reports and more.
Modules: requests csv pandas
Feel free to to check out some examples below.